How do I cancel my EOS gym membership?

How do I cancel my EOS gym membership? 

How to cancel EOS Membership
  1. Gather details of your membership including your name and membership number.
  2. Call the gym you regularly visit by finding their number here.
  3. Speak to their staff and request they cancel your membership.
  4. Contact your bank and revoke their access to your credit card or bank account.

How do I cancel my fitness membership? 

Depending on your Android device, typically you should be able to cancel the auto-renew by doing the following:
  1. Tap the Play Store App.
  2. Select the Menu.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Select MyFitnessPal Subscription.
  5. Cancel Subscription at the bottom.


Does EOS Fitness send you to collections? In short, yes. If you fail to pay your membership fees, your gym can send your account to collections, which is a major negative mark on your credit report.

How do I cancel my EOS gym membership? – Additional Questions

When should I cancel my gym membership?

Make sure you cancel your gym membership right before the next billing cycle starts.

Can you get blacklisted for not paying gym?

The fact that they don’t do credit checks to check affordability or even ask for an original ID for verifying that the member is who they say they are, means one can go and register at any Gym Company by pretending to be someone else and gym for free while the victim pays or gets blacklisted.

What happens if my gym membership goes to collections?

Unexpected fees may put you into overdraft, and if your membership dues are paid automatically, you could run into trouble with an expired credit card. Accounts in arrears may be sent to a collection agency, resulting in ongoing pings against your credit rating until the debt is paid.

What does return for collection mean?

RFC files are your Return For Collection consumers.

Once an account goes to RFC status, or 60 – 90 days past due, the billing is turned off by ABC Financial and it is up to you now to engage with the consumer to get them to pay and try to save their membership.

Can LA Fitness take you to collections?

LA Fitness might send you to bill collections, which could impact your credit score and history in a negative way. A bad credit score can limit your decisions in the future, such as taking out loans for big purchases or mortgages for houses.

Can Blink Fitness send you to collections?

When a gym sends a “delinquent” account to collections—as Blink does—it can impact your credit. Specifically, Blink uses Utah-based Aldous & Associates to chase down past due accounts, a firm that “specializes in fitness industry 90 day past due consumer collections.”

How do I cancel my gym membership without paying a fee?

But before resorting to forgery, there are a few legal and effective ways to cancel your membership without paying. Most gyms let you cancel free of charge under certain conditions like, illness, relocation, disability, and sudden unemployment.

What happens if I cancel my gym direct debit?

If you’ve cancelled the direct debit then no, they won’t be able to take any money from you. It’s definitely a good idea to let them know though or they’ll probably send you letters asking you why it’s stopped, or might think you did it by accident or something.

Do gyms report to credit bureaus?

Your local gym will not report the payments on your membership to the credit bureaus. Making your payments on time will not help your credit score and late payments will not hurt your score. It is not like a credit card where even one late payment can badly damage your credit rating.

Can Cancelling a gym membership affect your credit?

A cancelled gym membership will usually not go on a person’s credit report, but a debt arising from the action may.

Can unpaid gym membership affect credit score?

There are a number of things that impact your credit.

This can then be reported to credit bureaus and appear on your credit report. Unpaid gym memberships or missed cell phone payments: Like utility bills, missed cell phone payments and unpaid gym memberships sent to collections can be reported to credit bureaus.

Why do gyms need bank account?

Because EFT withdraws funds directly from an individual’s bank account, it often takes less processing time than a debit card payment would. This gym management software component, therefore, allows the gyms to secure payment more efficiently.

What is the cheapest gym to join?

Five most affordable gym memberships
  1. Planet Fitness. Planet Fitness advertises itself as a gym for people who don’t like gyms, with ads referring to every Planet Fitness location as a “Judgement Free Zone.”
  2. Cardinal Fitness.
  3. Your Local YMCA.
  4. Gold’s Gym.
  5. LA Fitness.

Is giving out your bank account number safe?

Giving someone your bank account number is typically safe. There’s always a risk when handing out this number, so only give it to people you trust completely. If you don’t trust the person that’s asking for the number, try to pay cash instead of giving them the number.

Why is Planet Fitness charging me $39?

According to Planet Fitness’ FAQ page on its website, in order to have access to the gym facilities, there is an annual charge of $39 that “goes towards club maintenance and upkeep.” This fee is due once a year and for a lot of people, that time of the year happened July 1, 2020.

How hard is it to cancel Planet Fitness membership?

But if you must, the process is easy. You can fill out a cancellation form at the front desk of your home club, or send a letter (preferably via certified mail) to your club requesting cancellation. Memberships can’t, unfortunately, be cancelled by email or phone.

Can I cancel my Planet Fitness membership and get a refund?

Can I get a refund when I cancel my Planet Fitness gym membership? No, Planet Fitness doesn’t offer a refund if you cancel your membership early in the billing cycle.